Let’s explore a subject that has been kept under shadows for far too long: Sex Education!
Yes, the word that we don’t even say aloud. Thanks to the absurd myths that surround sex education in our society, it has become one big taboo. And you know what? This silence and lack of open dialogue have only made it harder. But now it’s time to break that silence and fight the stigma associated with “Sex Education”.
Let me tell you a story, an adolescent girl’s story, or rather, the story of practically all the teenage girls out there. Twelve years back, I was a high school girl with zero ideas about menstruation. One particular day, we were supposed to learn about a chapter titled “The personal safety of Adolescence (বয়ঃসন্ধিকালে ব্যক্তিগত নিরাপত্তা)” in our textbook, which fell under the subject of physical education and Health (শারীরিক শিক্ষা ও স্বাস্থ্য). The course teacher entered the room and exchanged greetings like any other day. To my surprise, he chose to overlook the chapter we were supposed to cover and moved on to the next one. Confused whispers began to circulate among the girls in the classroom. One mustered the courage to question the teacher’s decision, asking why he had skipped the chapter. The teacher remained silent that day, leaving us in the dark. That day, I understood that the chapter must not be read. The contents and the topics must be avoided and I listed it as an “unimportant chapter”. That day, I too was kept in the dark like thousands of adolescents out there.
Now I understand that it was not the course teacher who was silent. It was the entire education system. It was the suffocating social stigmas that compelled the teacher to remain silent. What’s the point of concluding the chapters in the textbooks if they are not taught properly?
High school teachers can play a big role in molding the next generations to be aware of their sexual and reproductive health and rights. It is high time the government and institutional authorities took the initiative to provide the necessary training to elementary and high school teachers so that they can ensure proper education for the students rather than hiding/avoiding these crucial topics. Because there should be no shame in educating the basics.
Let us break free from the shadows and pave the way for a future where sex education is no longer a taboo but a fundamental aspect of education for all. Let us build a future where knowledge is truly embraced, a future where sex education isn’t hushed, but an absolute must in everyone’s education.
As an SRHR activist and a passionate traveller, Saima Hasnain believes in freedom of the soul. She wants to shape a world where everyone can make the most out of their rights and lives. And when it comes to her own liberty, she breathes by the sea and visits the mountains to feel free.